You should have a consistent, effective dental routine to maintain an optimal level of oral health. One change that you might make to your dental routine is to swap your manual toothbrush for an electric toothbrush. An electric toothbrush is generally more effective at removing plaque and decreasing symptoms associated with gingivitis, especially when used correctly.
Since an electric toothbrush does most of the work when you brush your teeth, it also helps individuals with limited mobility maintain their dental health. Use your electric toothbrush correctly; otherwise, it's no more effective than a manual toothbrush. Follow these tips to get the most dental benefits from your electric toothbrush.
1. Revamp Your Brushing Technique With an Electric Toothbrush
You need to change your brushing technique when you make the switch to an electric toothbrush. Remember, your toothbrush does all the brushing motions for you. This means that you don't need to scrub your teeth like you would with a manual toothbrush.
Instead, move the head of the electric toothbrush from tooth to tooth, and check that you hit the entirety of the tooth (from the gumline to the crown). Adjust the brush as needed for the tooth's curvature. At the gumline, hold the brush at a 45-degreeangle to thoroughly clean plaque, bacteria, and food from the gums.
2. Select a Toothbrush That Meets Your Needs
With so many options for electric toothbrushes, you may wonder if it matters which kind you choose or if there's any real difference between the different options. However, the right electric toothbrush can help you improve the health of your teeth and gums.
Many models include features that make it easier for you to properly care for your teeth and gums. Certain toothbrushes boast a built-in timer so that you know when you’ve brushed your teeth for the recommended two minutes for each session. Others sound an alarm when you exert too much pressure on the surface of your teeth.
Some electric toothbrushes have different modes that you can adjust depending on your dental needs. For example, sensitive mode is found on many models and works well for patients with sensitive teeth or tender gum tissue.
Other models have a mode specifically intended to better care for your gums. While multiple modes aren't a necessity, they enable you to better customize the toothbrush to your dental needs.
When purchasing electric toothbrushes for your children, be sure to select a model with a child-sized brush head. Adult-sized brush heads may be unable to effectively clean your child's back teeth. A brush head that's too large may also make it uncomfortable for your child to brush their teeth, which may deter them from building strong oral hygiene habits.
3. Regularly Maintain Your Electric Toothbrush
Your electric toothbrush requires regular maintenance to ensure it's functioning as intended. The biggest mistake made by many patients is not replacing the brush head at regular intervals.
Much like a manual toothbrush, you need to replace your brush head approximately every three to four months. If the brush head starts to look worn down or frayed, replace it even if it hasn't been three months.
If your toothbrush uses a charger, make sure that the charger functions properly, or your toothbrush will not work. Wipe down the charging unit as needed with a dry cloth to remove any dust or water splatters. If you get toothpaste or another substance on the charger, unplug it and wipe it down with a damp cloth.
If you are overdue for a check-up or have more questions about your dental hygiene, contact Desert Dental today to make an appointment.
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